December 23, 2006

A child was born to bring rebirth to the cosmos

Fanefjord Church, Møn, Denmark. Fresco of Jesu...Image via Wikipedia

More than 2,000 years ago a child was born. The child was born under good stars and all cosmic beings knew the importance of that child. That child was born to change the world. While all those desiring for goodness and love and peace were hopeful, all those who desired to build a world for themselves were also prepared but their desire was to stop the child.

The birth of the child was not just the birth of one child. The birth of that child was supposed to be the birth of a new world, the rebirth of all people and all beings in the universe. The birth of that child was supposed to be the birth of a new universe. No miracle that angels sang and all good spirits rejoiced over that day.

Where good forces work or intend to work, there evil forces always try to stop them. Situations had become troubled before the birth of the child and when the day was there, nothing or almost nothing was prepared. The child was born like animals were born, in a stable, in the cold, deserted by almost all but some angels in spirit world and a very few wise and innocent ones in the physical world. The evil forces had prepared to kill the child so the caretakers of the child had to flee, to protect the child against premature death.

Where God had planned a new birth for the cosmos, there all those who had taken the cosmos out from God's loving hands had prepared to keep the universe as it always had been, filled with war, disease, hatred and despair. Many had been prepared to receive the child, to help the child to bring change to the world. But those who had been prepared thought of their own dreams and not of the desires of God. Simpler people, people who still perceived the world from their hearts could recognize God's work, but those simple people were hardly equipped to change society.

Eventually the forces of opposition joined and nailed God's hope on a cross of destruction. Because the spirit is stronger than the flesh and love makes victory over hatred, the cross was not the end. The cross was the beginning of a new birth, a new birth into the spiritual this time, but not anymore a new birth of the physical. Who was shedding tears over that event? Who was shedding tears when Adam fell out from Eden's Garden? Who shed tears when chosen prophets were rejected and sacred kings were seduced? It always was the Creator of love and hope and the Giver of life whose tears filled the cosmos for those who want to sense. Many tears were shed over the cross, but life goes on and hope remains for a new cosmic birth.

Why are we waiting still? Why is the world still full of pain and disease and hatred and despair? What can we do on that day of hope, that day of new birth of the cosmos? What hope can we bring to the world so we can stop flowing the tears of the Creator?

Where does rebirth of the cosmos begin else than in the heart of you and me? My birth into a new life, your birth into a new life, that is what will change the cosmos and will bring hope in despair, joy in tragedy, peace in war, repair in destruction, new life in a world of death.

November 20, 2006

The omnipresence of God

For those who believe in God the question of what God is and where God is has been discussed over and over again. One problem has always been about the omnipresence of God. Some people picture God as an old father who stands high above us and pulls the strings of the universe as if all created beings and things were puppets. Another view on God is as a universal consciousness that permeates all and everything. According to this latter view God is spirit, or energy, or light, and usually has not an individual personality.

Which God is the real God? Is God nothing else than something that is present in all of us, or is God a character on far distance of whom we better are afraid?

But why could God not be something of both? Some people revere the Sun as if the sun were God. But the sun is only one star out of many billions of other stars. However important the sun may be for all of us, i cannot imagine God as our sun. Still, comparing God with the sun can tell us something.

We experience the sun as bringing us light and fire. The sun provides much of the energy we need for life on earth. But what if you would come too close to the sun? When you come near the sun it is not anymore a life supporting star, but it will burn you into oblivion. But we feel the sun, we experience the sun in many ways. We drive our cars on gasoline that stored energy which trees and plants captured from the sunlight a long time ago. Without the sun there would not be life on earth because the Earth would be covered with darkness and everything would be frozen in a deep frost. All our food comes from sun energy that plants have transformed into organic matter.

In that sense, we could say that the light and warmth, the energies of the sun are in us everywhere. All our cells can only exist because of that energy. Our daily life is only possible because we receive this energy. We could almost say that we are the sun because the energies of the sun have made us largely to what we are.

So, the sun is everywhere, at least for us living on the planet Earth. For planets in other galaxies our sun has not the same significance. Such planets have their own suns. So the meaning of our sun is not universal, but for us, the energy of the sun is in us and around us and makes us to what we are.

The sun is not only a source of neutral energy. In the energy of the sun is also something spiritual, something that we can perceive as love. Did you notice that on some days the sun seems to give us extra vitality and love? For some people the sun is just there and they almost don't notice it, but when you make effort and increase your sensitivity, you can feel that the sun is not the same each day. On special days the sun gives us very much extra joy and vitality. It is the love of the sun that comes to us. The sun is a loving entity. I find it not so strange that many civilizations have prayed to the sun. But i don't believe that the sun is God, the creator of the universe.

In the same way the Sun exists both as an independent entity and as love and light and energy in all of us and all of life on earth and in all things on earth, so God exists both as God the Creator and as God with whom we can relate and as God that is in us in all possible ways.

November 18, 2006

The spiritual is not just impersonal energy

The spiritual world is a world of energy, or more correctly, it is a world of energy expressions that are less condensed than the energy expressions of the physical world. All energy has an origin, just like everything that is created has an origin. The origin of energy is love, more precisely the love of the Creator, or the origin of all that is.

When energy would exist just by itself, like people with a materialist look on life think that physical things exist just by itself, then life would not have any meaning. Love is the motivator or the motor of all that exists. Love is the force that makes all things to develop and expand into more complicated and elevated levels of existence, in that we can experience increased joy. Is it not so that the more people unite in love and friendship, the more happiness and fulfillment are spawned, the more we we feel in jubilation and joy? When you are all by yourself you feel lonely and unrecognized. Everyone wants someone to give love to and to receive love from.

From love energy comes and from energy all things of creation come that have form. Things exist in several dimensions. A comparison can make us understand that. Water exists in solid, fluid and gaseous form. It always is the same water with the same molecules but when a certain energy is added, in this case energy of warmth, the solid ice becomes water and eventually gas. When we fall on ice, we may hurt ourselves. When we fall on the same water that is in fluid form, we may enjoy the experience and not get injured. We can see ice and water, but we see water vapor only when the concentration is high enough.

Imagine that certain energies are taken out from a human being, just like you extract the opposite of coldness from water. The analogy is not perfect all the way but it will do to make my point. When you take out from a human being living in a physical body certain energies of life, the physical body will die. The physical body needs life energy to live. The life energy needs to flow through a healthy and organized body. If the body breaks down, the life energy cannot anymore flow and the body dies. Compare this to a car that runs on energy. As long as the car is in order the energy makes the car run. If essential elements of the motor are broken, you can put in as much energy as you want but nothing happens. When the body's organization breaks down, because of an illness or an injury, the life energy that runs through the body cannot flow anymore and the body dies.

The person goes into another state of being, that is life in the spiritual world. You are you. You think that you leave behind you all that you felt and desired? What you do leave behind you when you die are the sensations of your body, but much of what you experience is not just a body sensation. Your mind expresses into emotions and actions of the body, but it does also exist on a higher level. A computer program can be made visible in the actions of a computer, but when the computer is down, the program is still there.

What is then the nature of the spiritual world? Everything that exists is inspired and originated by the love of the Creator. This love inhabits everything that is created. Love steers certain energies to create an existence on the spiritual level. When still other energies are added we get the reality of the physical world, the world we are familiar with.

Love exists on all levels. It doesn't exist any less in the spiritual world than it does in the physical world. Love is connected to identity. You don't just love a person because he is one of the human race. You love a person with a very particular identity. In the same way, love in the spiritual world is only possible because all beings there have a very particular identity. They have feelings and emotions, desires and frustrations, ideals and moods just like we have in the physical reality. Actually, in our physical bodies we are already spiritual beings essentially. All our higher feelings and thoughts, our desire for an eternal life, are actually expressions of ourselves as spiritual beings. Why would such manifestations disappear when we only lose the condensed physical body that exists in the specific reality that we know as physical world?

And why would it be wrong to also attribute such characteristics to God? We can speak about God as eternal or as universal consciousness, as the Great Spirit, but just like our feelings come from love, why would God not have feelings and an identity? It may be hard to grasp the identity of the Creator, but the fact that we find it difficult to understand God does not mean that God is just something neutral or very abstract.


October 27, 2006

Stupid scientists make me grin

Daily Disney - Meep!Image by Express Monorail via Flickr

There exists a brand of scientists that makes me grin. Luckily not all scientist are like this. But there are so-called scholars who believe they can prove that God does not exist, that God is only an invention of superstitious, naive followers of simplistic religions.

They can now explain almost everything of how the cosmos was created, they say. There is no room for God there anymore. So let's follow their arguments. They can explain even smallest details of processes that happened in and shortly after the Big Bang. Imagine, they can even explain what happened in the first seconds after the Big Bang. They can write entire books about how the cosmos was made, about 10 or 11 dimensions and about parallel universes and black holes and super novas and about still much more.


Can they explain what preceded the Big Bang? They make up a hypothesis of a singularity. There are others who make up a hypothesis of a duality. I am not stating here my favor for any of these. What i am stating is that this all doesn't say the least about God.

When God exists, we will never be able to explain God. We will never be able to explain how God was created.

The logic of such scientists is really faulty. If God exists, then God existed before or above or beyond the Big Bang. It really doesn't matter then how much you can explain after the Big Bang. It really makes no difference if you could write one page of scientific explanations about the universe or you could write a billion books about it. One page doesn't disprove God and a billion books also don't disprove God. Because God is God and God created the universe, then there is something beyond the creation of the universe that cannot be explained anymore.

When we really want to be logical, we should also account for the possibility that God doesn't exist. So suppose God doesn't exist? Then scientists really have a problem. Whatever they will be able to explain in the world of causal events, they still will not be able to prove that God doesn't exist. There could always still be something preceding the Big Bang and this something could be God. Can any scientist prove that God doesn't exist? I thought that the scientific method was based on the premise that what cannot be falsified must assumed to be true. So when scientists cannot prove that God doesn't exist, they must assume that God could exist.

When we are really logical we must assume that God could exist, because no scientist can prove the opposite. But it appears that many scientists get very unscientific as soon as their subject is God. Then they rattle that because they know so much about the universe, it is ridiculous that people believe in God.

But who is really acting from superstition here? Such scientists are, because they aborted their own scientific method. Can they prove that God did not create time, space and therefore also created the Big Bang? They can not and they will never be able to do that.

The whole argument is besides the point, really. When God would not exist, who cares anyway. When God exists, no scientist could prove or disprove God's existence.

God is beyond the simple logic of scientists. You know who created the scientists? God did. Can the scientist prove that they were not created by God? No, because their own logic was created by God and therefore logically must be smaller than God, and therefore their logic cannot ascend above God.

The real problem of such scientists is that they have a problem in their own heart. Each human being will find proof in the heart about God's existence. When your lover loves you and someone comes and wants to prove that you are not loved, what would you do? Would you go into a logical argument or would you feel to pinch the skeptic's nose? This is how it is when we know God because we feel God's love. This is not just a matter of the faith of a simple-minded person. It is the faith of a person rich in heart who knows the love of God.

August 29, 2006

Spirituality with or without love

There are many people who seek spirituality. Before i continue this i need to clarify what i mean with spirituality. I make a difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is practiced in many institutions that call themselves religious. Religion in the original sense is a personal matter. It means the efforts that a person makes to reconnect to the origin, to God the Creator. Some people don't like it to call God 'God.' For them, there is a universal spirit, or an energy of love, or a primeval principle that explains all. I have no objections against seeing God in that way. I think it is personal how we experience God. For me, God fits all these descriptions.

Spirituality means the world of spirit. God is spirit, but God as Creator also created the physical universe. To only see God as spirit would diminish God. That's why i think that spirituality and religion are not the same. Both religion and spirituality can be practiced in a good way or a wrong way.

If religion means that certain religious leaders tell us that salvation can only be gained by following those leaders, i seriously doubt the sincerity of such practice of religion. We are all divine beings originally and therefore each of us has God in the deepest core of the heart. Though we can learn much from religious leaders, we don't discover our real selves when we put our trust in a human person without having a relation to God. How are we supposed to know which religious leaders we can trust and whom not? To know that we can eventually only rely on our own good intuition. I decide in whom i believe. When someone else decides that for me, then i still have made my own choice to do that. I myself am responsible for my choices and to know if my choice is right, i must be able to trust myself. I can only trust myself when i make that choice in all sincerity, from the deepest of my heart, which is where i can find God in myself.

The spiritual is an aspect of reality, just like the physical is another aspect. Many people believe that the spiritual world is only there for people who died, but the spiritual world is already there before we lose our physical bodies. Our lives have a spiritual aspect and have a physical aspect. Our bodies too have a spiritual aspect and a physical aspect. When the physical body dies, we are not gone. Our spiritual aspect lives on in the spiritual world. The spiritual aspect does not suddenly get into existence at the moment of death. The spiritual aspect is already there before we lose the physical body.

The question is then how we can get access to the spiritual aspects of life in such a way that we don't lose our relation to God. The answer is that this is only possible in love. I don't mean the kind of love that is self-centered, the kind of love that some people are asking for. I mean love that is to give for the well-being of others. This kind of love comes from God.

When you really love someone, you want the best for that other person. You don't only want that person to live a good life now, but also in the future. When that future extends to even life after physical life, we can speak about spiritual love. When we strive for that kind of love, the spiritual world opens for us in the right way.

Some people strive for spiritual knowledge and experiences. When you know how to deal with the spiritual, it is possible to get some kind of spiritual control over people. Other people just want to know a lot about spiritual stuff. This does not need to be bad, but it can be harmful for yourself if you don't practice that knowledge by giving out love.

Spiritual is not inherently good. Also in spirit world there exist beings who are out to control others. To open yourself spiritually and then to come under the influence of such self-centered beings does not do much good.

August 28, 2006

Back to a life of learning and internal development

Love is the most essential aspect of life. Love is naturally in us, but it is also something that must be learned and developed. When we don't make effort for that, we may lose the love in our hearts and even fall into the habit of hating.

Of course, the story about love is much more complicated than sketched here. What i want to stress is the importance of living a life of learning and inner development. When people are still in the beginning of their life and are still children, they tend to learn rather automatically. Children play and learn all the time. Their entire life is a life of learning and development. Nobody needs to tell a child to learn to speak its mother tongue. You don't need to tell a child to learn to walk. The child does it all by itself in joyful activities of playing.

Once we get older, the picture changes. We have to go to schools where we learn a lot of good things, but where we also miss to learn about many valuable aspects of life. Schools of today mainly prepare people to become good citizens of the society in that they live. Schools prepare to have a career in that same society. Almost all that we learn is so that we will be able to help building up a society that already is in place. Most people stop learning when they are around 20 years old. Some people continue to learn by having a more challenging career, but also this kind of learning is mostly external and not meant to develop inner qualities such as love and creativity.

In many tribes that lived in ancient history, there was a lot more emphasis on learning. The Celts had an education for some of their members that lasted until they were about 40 years old. Most of this education was given in nature, in an open field in a forest. On such a place everything could be found for a thorough training. Today we can hardly imagine how such an education took place. There are so many secrets to be discovered in our universe that is so much more than just a place of technology and standardized rules for how to live in society.

What is it that makes our life satisfying? I believe that the most essential aspect of human beings is that we are creative. There are different kinds of creativity. Some people are creative in trying to dominate others. That's not what i mean with original creativity. Original creativity is to expand yourself so you become more loving. You want to give something to a person whom you love and to express your love you create something for that person. To do that is always again exciting and there are no boundaries to expanding yourself in such creativity.

Loving people and receiving back their love is never boring. Most importantly, when you die and lose your body, you are not going to lose what you have built up in such a way. When you die you lose your money, your houses, your position in society, but you don't lose your original love and your creativity. Love and creativity are the main assets that you can take with you into spiritual life after physical death.

The beautiful but also difficult thing about living a life of creativity is that you have to make this your own choice. Nobody or almost nobody is telling you to do that. Usually, people get drawn into the life of having a career in some way and then they stop investing into their own inner development. My view on life is that each hour of our existence should be filled with learning and developing. This learning should preferably entail all aspects of our being, especially the more internal ones.

We all are different and some people like making music while others prefer to be a farmer. But also a farmer has ear for music and a musician enjoys the smell of a healthy soil. When you get a sophisticated computer you could use it as a text writer only, as a kind of modern typewriter. You would agree with me that this is a pity because you miss the many possibilities that your computer could give you. When you get a modern car but don't know what it is you might use it as a chicken house. What a shame! Yet, this is rather much how we use our talents. People are potentially able to learn so much and to do so many exciting things in life. I am not only speaking about external aspects of life, but especially about the world of love and spirit. Not even the sky is the limit here.

In future blogs i will often return to this topic and go into detail about what aspects of ourselves can be developed and also how to do this in a harmonious way.

August 27, 2006

Family lines of heavenly restoration

Three angels visiting AbrahamImage via Wikipedia

Three angels visiting Abraham

The following is a revelation from an angel Mibil. 'Mibil' is a pseudonym, not the angel's real name. Cursive text is mine - JE

The principle of restoration that must be applied to restore God's ideal is based on attempts to unify two brothers in a family. For all kind of reasons, in a family, certain children are more claimed by black angels and spirits, others by gray angels, again others by white angels, and very seldom children can be claimed by God.

There are always battles going on in spirit world for the right and possibility to work with certain children on earth. When a person on earth is claimed by evil angels, but the person on earth lives in a good way, the black angels cannot work well anymore with such a person. Such an event is extremely, extremely rare in history.

It very often happened that a heavenly child was claimed by good angels to work with, but then there came some kind of invasion of evil spirits. The person on earth might make a mistake, or there is lack of protection, or the white angels make a mistake. In all these cases, black spirits will quickly jump into the hole and will try to bring the heavenly child further down.

Mibil uses the word 'heavenly' as opposed to 'worldly.' The basic meaning of these words is that spirits centered on God are attracted to heavenly people while worldly people tend to attract spirits who are against God. The words do not mean a simple duality of good and evil, nor do they imply a judgment over these people. The words refer to tasks connected to these people. When an individual or a family takes a heavenly position, it means that this person is responsible to pass on to others the love and guidance received. When an individual or family takes a worldly position, the responsibility is to make a separation from influences that bring that individual or family away from God. The terms 'heavenly' and 'worldly' are often misunderstood as simply meaning 'good' and 'evil.'

Generally, many more people fail their missions than there are people who fulfill. It is even rarer that people who were under evil spirits managed to liberate themselves.

It is for this reason mainly that white angels have always been fully involved in working with very few family lines only. We have always been in a defensive position. We just had no time left to work too much with any people already claimed by evil spirits.

The families with that we worked were very few. Of course, these family lines did also expand. But usually many children born in such families became victims to evil temptations. Then they were lost for us and we worked on with other people in the same family line.

We did sometimes work to isolate certain family lines. There were two situations in general. There were family lines on the heavenly side that had been picked to make a complete victory. These family lines had to live in the midst of the evil world. In this world, they had to expand their foundation while keeping themselves pure at the same time. The family line of Abraham belonged to this category. For us, these family lines were really the central ones. Everything depended on their fulfillment.

The second category of family lines we worked with was of good people, but in some or another way they were lacking in ability to deal with evil. Usually this was caused by a very special problem that such a family had failed to solve. These families were brought to isolated regions. Because they only lived among themselves, their specific problem came out more visibly. It was their task to solve this special weakness. If such a family line had solved their problem, or at least one branch of such a line had solved it, they came again in the position of the first category of heavenly families chosen to battle it out with the evil world. Such family lines living in isolation can be seen as a kind of reserve of the heavenly side. For black angels, they were not so interesting as they lived in isolation and could not be used to get control over large regions of the world, which is what evil angels always had in mind.

The religions of the white angels, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded mainly to provide a protective environment for these few central family lines. Also, through these religions, these family lines could get some kind of basic education. For us, these religions meant something different than what they meant for the believers on earth. From our viewpoint, these religions were mainly meant as protection for the central family lines. We were always busy with some of these family lines, which was a difficult process, as there were always many problems and failures in such families.

The main problem of these religions of white angels was that believers misunderstood the meaning and built large organizations rather than focusing on their own good personal development.

August 22, 2006

Lonely seekers in a frenzied world

While i prepare this blog i watch the news on BBC and CNN and i see the turmoil of a world gone mad. The wars that go on or threaten to come demonstrate the defeat of the moral institutions that have been set up during the past 2,000 years or more. Most people seem to walk in line with the mainstream, simply believe what is told to them on the news, take up their arms when they are sent to war.

To hear a bit clearer about the mood of less slave-like people i must look out for other media. The internet provides me with stories of people who are not heard on the regular radio and TV channels. Blogs and messages and e-mails bring me reports of broken hearts. Desperate people we have become. Lonely seekers are everywhere and it seems that their paths of searching have not yet been long enough, their pains have not yet been sufficient to end their ordeals.

Real or self-proclaimed gurus try to fill the gaps. There are many of them but somehow they don't seem to manage anymore to reach the level of the masters of the past. Will there stand up new messiahs, new religious leaders who show us the way out in the new age?

To try to answer this question a bit, i must go back in the past. We people are presented as two models. There is the male model and the female one. Most people have understood the meaning and man and woman come together to live together and to create new offspring. The relation of a marriage, be it confirmed by state or church or not, does appear to many as an ideal. An ideal it is, but how difficult to live it ideally.

A funny thing has happened throughout history. When someone gets more frustrated with life as it it, begins to search for deeper meaning, the first step on a new path is often to choose for a path of being alone, as a monk or a nun or however you want to call it. Why would people do that?

I believe they do it because they figured out that the institute of matrimony is a little too much for them to handle. Ideal it is and could be, but we have to take one step at the time and not be too hurried.

People who choose for such a path actually go back one stage in their development. Children don't marry. We people are born as individuals and only when we are mature enough we look out for a mate. At first these new partners find themselves in heaven, but this heaven of marriage or partnership more than often turns into a hell. Many people searching for spirituality in their lives realize they have gone a step too far and go back to the life of a single.

Now there usually happens something strange. Having become a single or a nun or a monk and having joined an organization that should provide them with spiritual food and guidance, they find themselves in the position of a servant or even a slave to the leaders of that organization. There may be more than one reason for this, but i will mention what i believe to be the major cause. All religions of the past have been founded or at least dominated by angels. When we study the books and the origins of religions, we see that in all religions of the world angels have played a major role. Even when this was not always so apparent, like in the religions of Judaism and Christianity, we can detect the angelic influence from the form that these religions have taken.

Angels do not pair. All angels of the past are known to be only male. Angels don't get baby angels. Angels know nothing from their own experience about raising kids. They don't know what kind of knots people make in their relations when they are married.

Religion of the future will not anymore be modeled after the angels' world. In the angels' world there is a clear hierarchy. For angels it is always clear who is their leader. Angels should obey the commands of angels higher in the hierarchy (which is not the same as saying that all angels are always so obedient). This model of the world of angels has crept into the structure of the religions we know today.

So how will it be in the ages to come? I believe that the coming of the new age means that we will leave behind us these old models. The problem was not only that the model of angels' organization wasn't fit for man, angels also had the habit to war among each other. Many of the wars of human history are actually wars that angels fought out over the heads of people.

What does this mean for you and me? Essentially it means that each of us has to find his or her individual relation to our deepest core, to the God who lives in us. We have to find our path out from that relation to the Creator. Who is going to help you with that? When you are lucky you find someone else who goes the same path. We can learn from each other. But we cannot put ourselves above others. We can't say to be master over another. You may get help from someone who made a few more steps on that path. Still, we have to find our own value, our own identity, which is first of all determined by our relation to the Creator.

When these individuals get further on the road, they may come to the point that they can find a partner and they will get children. There will come families and tribes who live in union with the Creator. What kind of society will they build? It's difficult to answer that question at this point in time. We are now in a transitory period. Many of us are separating from the rusted structures that constituted the societies we are now familiar with. There will come very much change over the world. Until that transitory period is over, many of us will be lonely seekers in a frenzied world.

July 29, 2006

The forces in the universe

Gravity at a macroscopic level.Image via Wikipedia

Mibil is a pseudonym, not the real name of the angel who gave this revelation. Cursive text is added by JE.

This message comes from Mibil and is about the forces in the universe. What i will tell you may not easily be translatable into the concepts used by scientists today.

To understand about forces of nature, such as gravity and electricity and forces working on the smallest level of atoms it is not enough to only look at the physical level.

The spiritual existence and the physical existence are closely linked and even dependent from each other. Scientists who try to describe the physical reality are blocked to have a good understanding when they don't account for the spiritual reality. Spiritual reality and physical reality should be seen as one reality. Think of a line that depicts the reality on this level, spiritual-physical. There are other realities as well that should be depicted on other lines. (For example the reality described as positive-negative (yang-yin) and the reality of internal character and external form (mind-body)).

The spiritual-physical reality is one of the several aspects of the entire created reality. Spiritual and physical appear to stand opposite each other, and this is also true, but only when you see the reality from the viewpoint of an observer who is on this line, in this aspect of reality. When an observer takes more distance, the spiritual-physical reality will be seen as one. The spiritual-physical reality is the aspect of reality described as energy.

There is a continuum on this line going from more spiritual reality to more physical reality. Though this is a continuum, there is seen a kind of bridge at the same time. This bridge connects the physical aspect to the spiritual aspect.

The same energies that operate on a spiritual level also operate on the physical level. For example, when you take a force of gravity, then you could say that this is a force that binds objects in the physical world. Because of gravity, things can relate to each other. Gravity also exists in the spiritual world. Here too it is a force that makes things relate to each other. However, you could not measure spiritual gravity with physical instruments.

The essence of the force of gravity is that it binds objects. It is because of gravity that there is existence at all, that things get meaning at all. Gravity must be seen as the most basic force that gives meaning to existence. Without gravity nothing would relate to one another. Before there can be any meaning in existence, there has to be the binding force. It is because of gravity that it makes sense to speak about the dimensions of space and time.

With the force of gravity, space and time come into existence. This is very logical because without the binding force of gravity it would not make sense to speak about space and time.

When you look at a higher force, that of electricity, this force must be seen as a conducting force. When two things do relate to each other in the dimension of time and space because of the force of gravity, they would still only exist as dead things. There would be just these two things only relating to each other in time and space, both spiritually and physically, but not having any relevant communication. Communication is established by the force of electricity. It is the medium of electricity that energies can flow from one place to another. Electricity itself is a medium and it was meant to conduct higher energies. While electricity exists as a force that enables communication, the meaning of course is in the content of the communication. You can have a telephone conversation that can be understood on the level of electricity, but the meaning of the telephone conversation is in the content. Electricity was created as the medium for communication. Again, this force exists both on the level of the physical world and of the spiritual world.

What about magnetism? Magnetism must be seen as the groundwork for electricity. Magnetism and electricity are two words for the same force. It is like you look at it from different viewpoints. While electricity is the viewpoint of energy flowing from one point to another, magnetism is the viewpoint of the relation between these two points. Nothing can be communicated if there is not a relation between the two things that are communicating. Magnetism describes the relation between two things and electricity describes the message.

Now there are two more fundamental forces that describe the reality on still smaller levels. When you go into an atom, you find there gigantic forces until you come at the level of just energy. Also these forces can only be understood when realizing that these also exist on the level of the spiritual reality. Scientists of today's world do not yet know enough about the nature of these forces.

When you look at creation you can understand it in two directions. You can study the direction of big objects and how they relate to each other. Gravity and electricity describe fundamental relations of energy on this level, seen from the viewpoint of creations becoming larger. You can also view the things of creation looking into another direction. That is the viewpoint of things getting smaller, the viewpoint of looking to the elements out of that everything was made.

As large objects must have their place in time and space and must relate to each other by ways of communication, the same principle is true for the smallest levels of existence.

The forces existing on this level must be seen as having a similar meaning as gravity and electricity. There is a force there that makes things exist in time and space and there is a force there that allows the smallest particles to communicate with each other. Because bigger objects exist in their own dimensions of time and space, smallest objects, particles, elements, need their own dimensions of time and space. These dimensions of time and space do also exist, but they only exist for these very small elements to build the framework in which these smallest things can exist and relate and communicate.

All the levels of creation, going into the largest and going into the smallest are actually one and the same thing. The energies are connected. You can get access to these energies on the macro level of big objects such as stars, but you can also get access to it on the micro level of forces between particles. All the energy comes from one source. Experiments with getting out huge amounts of energy on such micro levels, like people have done with using nuclear energy, are very dangerous. This energy is not limitless. All energy taken out here is drawn from somewhere else. Such nuclear experiments directly influence the balance of energy on macro levels and bring these energies into a state of imbalance.

June 21, 2006

Creative Spirit World

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It's kind of peculiar for me to write about the spiritual world while so many people don't believe in it and others are not even sure whether there is a life after death. Even those who believe that life doesn't end with the death of the physical body often don't believe in a spiritual reality. They think of the world after death as one that is very similar in nature as or even equal to the physical world.

My experience with the spiritual world is such that for me the spiritual world is as much or even more a reality than the physical existence. I can also not do anything else than write about these items from my own perspective. Because i am so sure of the existence of the spiritual world, it may be of benefit for those who are less sure or who just began to explore the wide spiritual reality.

What is the essence of the spiritual world? The spiritual world is the main world, it is the environment of our spiritual and eternal existence. Because our spiritual existence is eternal, the spiritual world must be considered to be more essential than the physical reality. The physical world derives its meaning from its relation to the spiritual world.

When we look at the life of an individual, it can be described in three stages. First, there is the period from conception to leaving the womb with birth. Second, there is the period from birth to physical death. Third, there is the time after death, the eternal life in spirit world.

The first stage from conception to birth is that in which an individual is formed, both physically and spiritually. We give a name to a person right after birth. The period of life in the physical world should actually be seen in relation to the period after death in spirit world. When you live your life in the physical world and you reach nothing that has spiritual value, your life has rather much been in vain. But if you lived such a physical life that it is full with spiritual values, then your life in the physical body served as a preparation for life in spirit world.

For what are we preparing ourselves during life in the physical world? Physical life could be seen as the school for later life in spirit world. In our physical body, we learn to live spiritually. The purpose of life in the physical world is to learn to live spiritually. Of course, many of us do also get children during physical life. Our children become our first objects to give our love to. Later, when we are in spirit world, our children, grandchildren and grand grandchildren still walk on earth. When we have lived a good life, we will have learned to love our children and all our descendants. When we are in spirit world, love binds us to them and to all other people whom we have learned to love.

Love is really the most important value to go for. When you die, you take your love with you, but you cannot take with you all physical properties. Spirit world is the world where you can make everything you want. It really is the world of creativity. For whom do we create something? When you make a music composition, you do it for others. You don't do that for yourself even you may enjoy your own music. You want others to appreciate your music and that is what gives you joy. That joy gives you new inspiration.

In spirit world you can find the most beautiful creations made by spiritual individuals. Creative people never lose their desire to make new creations. Each creation also has developed the creator's abilities, and the creator wants to express these new skills. That process never gets boring because it is rooted in your love for God and for others. You actually become like God is, a loving and creating being. Your love does never end and your creativity keeps developing. The spiritual world is the world where you can express all your creativity. The physical world is just a learning school for you to learn to become such a creative and loving person.

June 16, 2006

The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

Before there was life on earth in the physical world, there was already life in spirit world. The creation of man can be seen as the conclusion of a long process of evolution of creations both in spirit world and in the physical world. That evolution has not ended today. The creative process is continuing and it is impossible to foretell what will come in the future.

The process of creation took billions of years. From the viewpoint of life in spirit world, human existence could be described in just a few words at the end of a long history book. Yet, because man was created at the pinnacle of evolving of life, man can also be seen as the crown of evolution.

At the same time, the evolutionary process has not been without setbacks. Many species of plants and animals have gone extinct. Man has made human history into a chain of wars and conflicts taking turns with periods of new development. In the past, some civilizations on earth have been much more aware of the reality of the spiritual. Also today, there are those on earth who know of the spiritual reality, but most civilizations of the present are very materialistic and as a result have no understanding of the spiritual dimension of life.

Before physical life existed there already was spiritual life. Physical life has come about because of a creative development in the spiritual world. The essence of development, whether it is in the spiritual world or in the physical, is creativity.

Creativity is the desire to make something new and better. Original creativity sprouts from a desire to love. I say 'original creativity' to refer to the connection with the loving Creator. There are also other types of creativity, which should not really be called like that, such as the development of weapons to murder or of devices to make our lives more shallow and estranged from the original beauty of nature.

The desire to create and give is what brings about the unity between the spiritual and the physical. From the spiritual world out, there is a desire to develop life in the physical dimension and this makes the spiritual descend on the physical. When you are in the physical world and you have deep desire to meet your ancestors who went to spirit world, you will somehow manage to pass the bridge between the two worlds. When your grand grandparents desire to give love and protection to their own children and descendants, they will go to you, stay with you and bring spiritual elements into the lives of their children on earth.

Love is really the main force that makes unity between the spiritual and the physical. When someone lives a shortsighted materialistic life in the physical world, he or she will not think much about the future of his or her own children and grandchildren. Such a person also will not bother to contemplate much on the life of his or her ancestors.

Love is the main force for unity between the spiritual and the physical world, and love expresses into many forms of creative thoughts. When you love someone, you want to give to that person. Your desire to give makes you creative in some way. Most creative people on earth have some awareness of a higher dimension of life. Those beings in spirit world who are creative will somehow find a way to make their presence known to certain people on earth.

The spiritual world and the physical world have been separated by thick concrete walls and steel doors that have been put up on the one side by shortsighted materialistic people in the physical world and on the other side by entities in spirit world who did not unite with God's creative plans or by spirits who ascended to the spiritual world after a life on earth that failed to prepare them well for their new spiritual home.


The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

Before there was life on earth in the physical world, there was already life in spirit world. The creation of man can be seen as the conclusion of a long process of evolution of creations both in spirit world and in the physical world. That evolution has not ended today. The creative process is continuing and it is impossible to foretell what will come in the future.

The process of creation took billions of years. From the viewpoint of life in spirit world, human existence could be described in just a few words at the end of a long history book. Yet, because man was created at the pinnacle of evolving of life, man can also be seen as the crown of evolution.

At the same time, the evolutionary process has not been without setbacks. Many species of plants and animals have gone extinct. Man has made human history into a chain of wars and conflicts taking turns with periods of new development. In the past, some civilizations on earth have been much more aware of the reality of the spiritual. Also today, there are those on earth who know of the spiritual reality, but most civilizations of the present are very materialistic and as a result have no understanding of the spiritual dimension of life.

Before physical life existed there already was spiritual life. Physical life has come about because of a creative development in the spiritual world. The essence of development, whether it is in the spiritual world or in the physical, is creativity.

Creativity is the desire to make something new and better. Original creativity sprouts from a desire to love. I say 'original creativity' to refer to the connection with the loving Creator. There are also other types of creativity, which should not really be called like that, such as the development of weapons to murder or of devices to make our lives more shallow and estranged from the original beauty of nature.

The desire to create and give is what brings about the unity between the spiritual and the physical. From the spiritual world out, there is a desire to develop life in the physical dimension and this makes the spiritual descend on the physical. When you are in the physical world and you have deep desire to meet your ancestors who went to spirit world, you will somehow manage to pass the bridge between the two worlds. When your grand grandparents desire to give love and protection to their own children and descendants, they will go to you, stay with you and bring spiritual elements into the lives of their children on earth.

Love is really the main force that makes unity between the spiritual and the physical. When someone lives a shortsighted materialistic life in the physical world, he or she will not think much about the future of his or her own children and grandchildren. Such a person also will not bother to contemplate much on the life of his or her ancestors.

Love is the main force for unity between the spiritual and the physical world, and love expresses into many forms of creative thoughts. When you love someone, you want to give to that person. Your desire to give makes you creative in some way. Most creative people on earth have some awareness of a higher dimension of life. Those beings in spirit world who are creative will somehow find a way to make their presence known to certain people on earth.

The spiritual world and the physical world have been separated by thick concrete walls and steel doors that have been put up on the one side by shortsighted materialistic people in the physical world and on the other side by entities in spirit world who did not unite with God's creative plans or by spirits who ascended to the spiritual world after a life on earth that failed to prepare them well for their new spiritual home.

This article is part of a series of four:
  1. One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality
  2. Noise from the physical world
  3. Autonomous spirit world
  4. The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

