April 21, 2011

The energy reality of a garden

St. Petersburg | AuraImage by lensa13.smugmug.com via Flickr

All that exists also exists on the level of energy.

Sometimes we tend to think that energy is just energy, but in fact, there are many types of energy. Each energy has a certain inner character and it has a special effect. For example, the sun gives off energy that we perceive as light and warmth. But the sun's energy is not just that. Some elements of the sun's energy color our skin, tans our bodies. The sun doesn't feel the same each day. Sometimes the sun feels pleasant and sometimes it doesn't.

It is on the level of energy that bridges are made between the spiritual and physical reality. All physical energies have a spiritual aspect and all spiritual energies affect the physical world.

We can learn more about the reality of energy by working with plants. Of course, there are many other methods to learn about energy, but plants and gardens give an easy access to learning about energies.

Each plant contains its own mix or composition of energies. Energy always radiates out, forms an aura. This aura can be seen around trees and plants. Healthy plants give a shining aura. When a tree is ill, the disease can be seen as a dark spot in the aura and the aura won't be strong.

When more plants of the same species grow together, the individual auras blend into one larger field. Different plants growing together in a garden form a composite aura that can be seen more easily. It needs repeated and long exercise to learn to see such auras and to interpret them better.

The energy aura of a plant gives information about its healing properties. The words 'medicine' and 'energy' are used as synonyms in some cultures that use herbs as medicines.

Rather than sowing and planting plants in straight lines in one field, i like to make compositions of several vegetables, herbs and flowers in a separate field. These fields can be smaller or bigger. In my garden most fields are between 15 and 30 m2. Each of these fields become a creation on their own, and together with the other fields they compose the garden as a whole.

Some plants like to grow together, thrive better when they are sown in one field. This has physical explanations but can also be understood in terms of energy. Some energies blend well together, others don't.

A method that i learned from a Native American tradition is to take very well care of one particular plant and to put this plant in the center of a field with other vegetables, herbs or flowers. The central plant makes a strong and healthy aura that protects all the other plants.

When you manage to make your garden into a strong energy reality, it will attract good spirits. They will like to be there, just like physical people enjoy being in a lovely garden.

When you eat the plants from such a garden, they fill your body with good energy. Even when you eat a small quantity, you feel well-nourished and full. You won't feel the craving to eat more and much. Many people become obese because they eat junk food that has no energy content. It's just physical food and it doesn't nourish your body's energy systems. You may get all the physical elements that your body needs but you still get sick easily as your immune system works to a large degree on good energy.

To learn to relate to the energy reality of a garden is a good method to nurture and maintain your garden. You don't always need to know the physical properties of fertilizers and your soil when you center on improving the energy in your garden. You will intuitively know what the soil and plants need.

Each living organism and therefore also each plant works as a receiver of energies. These energies come from various sources. For example, flowers take in much energy from the sun while plants with big roots take in energy from the earth. Other plants assimilate special energies that the cosmos provides. Plants process such energies and then transmit them to their environment. This is why plants growing together in a garden can mutually benefit each other.

Information about individual plants in my blog Research Topics

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