May 21, 2007

Original religion and organized religion

The world is full with organized religions. What is their value? To measure their merit, we need to have an idea of what religion originally should be. Then we can compare organized religion with original religion.

To me, religion is about an individual finding back his or her origins, becoming who you really are and developing all your potentials to the highest degree. Who can tell me about this, who can teach me what religion is? When i go around in the world and ask this question to representatives from different religions, i get several answers and maybe even some of these answers will come close to the essence.

But i am i and in myself i can feel who i am and i can feel my relation to the Creator. It is my desire to find highest unity with God and it is my belief that through this i will also become who i really am.

Religion is about yourself in relation to God, first of all. The desire to unite with God and finding your own highest value is something that i find in myself and other people find it in themselves. For this i don't need any established religion to tell me how to think. My desire for God is my deepest desire and i won't let anyone intrude on this. It is also me who has to judge what comes from the world outside. I myself have to decide if something is true or untrue. If i let others decide about that it would only mean that i will lose myself and make my deepest being dependent on the views of others.

I am i and you are you. We are both people and in myself i can feel what it means to be a human being. The deepest meaning of this is to be a creation of God, carved in the image of God. I can feel to be a child of God and in my heart i feel that this is my highest value. In that awareness i realize that other people are like that and that their highest value also is to be children of God. It means that all people are originally divine beings, though many people don't live in such a sacred way.

Original religion means to find back your true value, as a child of God or an object of God. Love has a source. The source of love is the Creator. When i am connected to the source of love, love flows into me and i can build up good relations to other people.

You or i can sense in ourselves what original religion means. In first instance nobody else has something to do with this. It is first of all an individual thing, between God and you or between God and me. When you desire for unity with God and i do the same, the miracle happens that we can unite with one another in the love of God. The love of God can then express through you to me and through me to you.

Original religion begins in each individual and it is expanded through natural relations between people who also practice original religion.

Original religion dates from before religions were organized. When organized religion is understood in the deepest sense, then it too has began as original religion. When organized religions focus on anything else first than the individual relation of each person with God, then these religions tend to deviate from the origin. In such organized religions, people are expected to adapt to certain rites and traditions and to accept certain hierarchies. This does not necessarily mean that you as individual cannot have your own relation anymore to the origin, but in practice it is often like that. Then such a religion expects us to accept hierarchies of people and sometimes of angels, and the relation to such people and angels comes before our individual relation with God.

When organized religion begins to function like that, it actually opposes original religion. Instead of leading us toward God, it leads us astray.

Original religion became a necessity when people did not primarily live from their relation to God but let other beings determine their ways. Often organized religions do the same. They expect you to obey people and human rules instead of wanting you to live from your individual relation with God.

People did not fall away from God as individuals. People fell away from God when they were influenced by other people and spiritual beings. This is why original religion cannot be practiced just as an individual effort, even though the central figure of the original religion is you. Religion means to restore the relations to God and to people around you. The smallest unit in which all relations are present is the home. This is why original religion is called Home Religion (basically, this is Home Church). When you as individual want to restore your relation to God, you must also restore your relation to those around you. The best training place for this is the home. The home is where we can practice to express God's love and where we can learn to keep God's love flowing through us. Original religion remains first of all an individual endeavor, but you cannot practice love by separating yourself from all other people and living as a hermit.

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