June 21, 2006

Creative Spirit World

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It's kind of peculiar for me to write about the spiritual world while so many people don't believe in it and others are not even sure whether there is a life after death. Even those who believe that life doesn't end with the death of the physical body often don't believe in a spiritual reality. They think of the world after death as one that is very similar in nature as or even equal to the physical world.

My experience with the spiritual world is such that for me the spiritual world is as much or even more a reality than the physical existence. I can also not do anything else than write about these items from my own perspective. Because i am so sure of the existence of the spiritual world, it may be of benefit for those who are less sure or who just began to explore the wide spiritual reality.

What is the essence of the spiritual world? The spiritual world is the main world, it is the environment of our spiritual and eternal existence. Because our spiritual existence is eternal, the spiritual world must be considered to be more essential than the physical reality. The physical world derives its meaning from its relation to the spiritual world.

When we look at the life of an individual, it can be described in three stages. First, there is the period from conception to leaving the womb with birth. Second, there is the period from birth to physical death. Third, there is the time after death, the eternal life in spirit world.

The first stage from conception to birth is that in which an individual is formed, both physically and spiritually. We give a name to a person right after birth. The period of life in the physical world should actually be seen in relation to the period after death in spirit world. When you live your life in the physical world and you reach nothing that has spiritual value, your life has rather much been in vain. But if you lived such a physical life that it is full with spiritual values, then your life in the physical body served as a preparation for life in spirit world.

For what are we preparing ourselves during life in the physical world? Physical life could be seen as the school for later life in spirit world. In our physical body, we learn to live spiritually. The purpose of life in the physical world is to learn to live spiritually. Of course, many of us do also get children during physical life. Our children become our first objects to give our love to. Later, when we are in spirit world, our children, grandchildren and grand grandchildren still walk on earth. When we have lived a good life, we will have learned to love our children and all our descendants. When we are in spirit world, love binds us to them and to all other people whom we have learned to love.

Love is really the most important value to go for. When you die, you take your love with you, but you cannot take with you all physical properties. Spirit world is the world where you can make everything you want. It really is the world of creativity. For whom do we create something? When you make a music composition, you do it for others. You don't do that for yourself even you may enjoy your own music. You want others to appreciate your music and that is what gives you joy. That joy gives you new inspiration.

In spirit world you can find the most beautiful creations made by spiritual individuals. Creative people never lose their desire to make new creations. Each creation also has developed the creator's abilities, and the creator wants to express these new skills. That process never gets boring because it is rooted in your love for God and for others. You actually become like God is, a loving and creating being. Your love does never end and your creativity keeps developing. The spiritual world is the world where you can express all your creativity. The physical world is just a learning school for you to learn to become such a creative and loving person.

June 16, 2006

The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

Before there was life on earth in the physical world, there was already life in spirit world. The creation of man can be seen as the conclusion of a long process of evolution of creations both in spirit world and in the physical world. That evolution has not ended today. The creative process is continuing and it is impossible to foretell what will come in the future.

The process of creation took billions of years. From the viewpoint of life in spirit world, human existence could be described in just a few words at the end of a long history book. Yet, because man was created at the pinnacle of evolving of life, man can also be seen as the crown of evolution.

At the same time, the evolutionary process has not been without setbacks. Many species of plants and animals have gone extinct. Man has made human history into a chain of wars and conflicts taking turns with periods of new development. In the past, some civilizations on earth have been much more aware of the reality of the spiritual. Also today, there are those on earth who know of the spiritual reality, but most civilizations of the present are very materialistic and as a result have no understanding of the spiritual dimension of life.

Before physical life existed there already was spiritual life. Physical life has come about because of a creative development in the spiritual world. The essence of development, whether it is in the spiritual world or in the physical, is creativity.

Creativity is the desire to make something new and better. Original creativity sprouts from a desire to love. I say 'original creativity' to refer to the connection with the loving Creator. There are also other types of creativity, which should not really be called like that, such as the development of weapons to murder or of devices to make our lives more shallow and estranged from the original beauty of nature.

The desire to create and give is what brings about the unity between the spiritual and the physical. From the spiritual world out, there is a desire to develop life in the physical dimension and this makes the spiritual descend on the physical. When you are in the physical world and you have deep desire to meet your ancestors who went to spirit world, you will somehow manage to pass the bridge between the two worlds. When your grand grandparents desire to give love and protection to their own children and descendants, they will go to you, stay with you and bring spiritual elements into the lives of their children on earth.

Love is really the main force that makes unity between the spiritual and the physical. When someone lives a shortsighted materialistic life in the physical world, he or she will not think much about the future of his or her own children and grandchildren. Such a person also will not bother to contemplate much on the life of his or her ancestors.

Love is the main force for unity between the spiritual and the physical world, and love expresses into many forms of creative thoughts. When you love someone, you want to give to that person. Your desire to give makes you creative in some way. Most creative people on earth have some awareness of a higher dimension of life. Those beings in spirit world who are creative will somehow find a way to make their presence known to certain people on earth.

The spiritual world and the physical world have been separated by thick concrete walls and steel doors that have been put up on the one side by shortsighted materialistic people in the physical world and on the other side by entities in spirit world who did not unite with God's creative plans or by spirits who ascended to the spiritual world after a life on earth that failed to prepare them well for their new spiritual home.


The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

Before there was life on earth in the physical world, there was already life in spirit world. The creation of man can be seen as the conclusion of a long process of evolution of creations both in spirit world and in the physical world. That evolution has not ended today. The creative process is continuing and it is impossible to foretell what will come in the future.

The process of creation took billions of years. From the viewpoint of life in spirit world, human existence could be described in just a few words at the end of a long history book. Yet, because man was created at the pinnacle of evolving of life, man can also be seen as the crown of evolution.

At the same time, the evolutionary process has not been without setbacks. Many species of plants and animals have gone extinct. Man has made human history into a chain of wars and conflicts taking turns with periods of new development. In the past, some civilizations on earth have been much more aware of the reality of the spiritual. Also today, there are those on earth who know of the spiritual reality, but most civilizations of the present are very materialistic and as a result have no understanding of the spiritual dimension of life.

Before physical life existed there already was spiritual life. Physical life has come about because of a creative development in the spiritual world. The essence of development, whether it is in the spiritual world or in the physical, is creativity.

Creativity is the desire to make something new and better. Original creativity sprouts from a desire to love. I say 'original creativity' to refer to the connection with the loving Creator. There are also other types of creativity, which should not really be called like that, such as the development of weapons to murder or of devices to make our lives more shallow and estranged from the original beauty of nature.

The desire to create and give is what brings about the unity between the spiritual and the physical. From the spiritual world out, there is a desire to develop life in the physical dimension and this makes the spiritual descend on the physical. When you are in the physical world and you have deep desire to meet your ancestors who went to spirit world, you will somehow manage to pass the bridge between the two worlds. When your grand grandparents desire to give love and protection to their own children and descendants, they will go to you, stay with you and bring spiritual elements into the lives of their children on earth.

Love is really the main force that makes unity between the spiritual and the physical. When someone lives a shortsighted materialistic life in the physical world, he or she will not think much about the future of his or her own children and grandchildren. Such a person also will not bother to contemplate much on the life of his or her ancestors.

Love is the main force for unity between the spiritual and the physical world, and love expresses into many forms of creative thoughts. When you love someone, you want to give to that person. Your desire to give makes you creative in some way. Most creative people on earth have some awareness of a higher dimension of life. Those beings in spirit world who are creative will somehow find a way to make their presence known to certain people on earth.

The spiritual world and the physical world have been separated by thick concrete walls and steel doors that have been put up on the one side by shortsighted materialistic people in the physical world and on the other side by entities in spirit world who did not unite with God's creative plans or by spirits who ascended to the spiritual world after a life on earth that failed to prepare them well for their new spiritual home.

This article is part of a series of four:
  1. One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality
  2. Noise from the physical world
  3. Autonomous spirit world
  4. The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds


June 11, 2006

Autonomous spirit world

In a few articles we are trying to find out some reasons why it is so difficult for people in the physical world to relate to the spiritual world. The first reason mentioned is that the spiritual senses of each person need to develop through experience. A second reason is that the physical world and the physical senses give a lot of noise putting the weaker spiritual stimuli to the background. Here i want to describe a third reason why it is often very difficult to relate to spirit world.

The spiritual world surely is not a dream world that only exists in our imagination. Of course, each person has a different view on spirit world. One person is not the other and the spiritual world surrounding you is very different from the spiritual world in my proximity. Also the ability to perceive the spiritual world differs from person to person and from time to time. That we experience spiritual world in so many diverse ways doesn't mean that the spiritual world itself would be just fantasy or the result of your own imagination. Your view on spirit world does determine for a large degree your perception of it, but the spiritual world also is an autonomous world, just like the physical world.

This means that what you experience from spirit world depends very much on what spirits of people and other spiritual beings want you to experience. For example, when you are in a house where many people have seen ghosts, it doesn't automatically mean that you are going to experience them. When you are in one room of the house and all spirits are in another room, you could not see them appearing.

Even when a spirit is near you and your spiritual senses are open, you are not going to see that spirit just like that. First, you must make effort to experience anything. Second, if a spirit doesn't want you to see him or her, it's almost impossible to observe that spiritual being.

People who lived a very physical life on earth have a very limited existence in spirit world. Such people did not develop their spiritual self and even though they exist spiritually, their spirit does almost not show. Your spiritual development on earth in your physical body makes your spirit grow and become stronger. Such a spirit can do more things in spirit world and does also appear much brighter and stronger than the spirit of a person who wasn't very much aware of the spiritual reality during his or her life on earth.

Another factor is whether a spirit makes effort to contact you. Suppose someone in the physical world taps you on your shoulder. If the tap is soft, it might go unnoticed. When a spirit makes much effort to communicate with you, his or her spirit shines more strongly and it is much easier for you to experience the spirit.

Often spirits try to make their presence known to someone on earth, but the person on earth doesn't realize it. Suppose your grandfather went to spirit world and comes to you to help you. When you are not aware of him being there even though he tried many times to make his presence known to you, the poor man may get very frustrated and not try it anymore. Many people in spirit world are actually rather upset because they had many of such disappointing experiences.

In a following article i shall write about the main force that makes contact possible between the spiritual world and the physical world.

This article is part of a series of four:
  1. One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality
  2. Noise from the physical world
  3. Autonomous spirit world
  4. The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds


June 9, 2006

Noise from the physical world

In my former article about spiritual experiences i gave one major reason why it is difficult for us to become aware of the spiritual reality. Our spiritual senses need sharpening and development. Without that being done, the spiritual reality may appear to be fantastic or non-existent.

There is another reason why it is difficult to experience spiritual phenomena even for those who have practiced their spiritual senses. The spiritual self dwells in the physical self. The spiritual senses are closely linked to the physical senses. I will explain this for the spiritual eyes, but the same explanation would more or less apply to all spiritual senses.

I'm going to speak mainly about the two spiritual eyes that are in or connected to the physical eyes. There is a third spiritual eye above the nose. This third eye is spiritual and not so directly linked to the two physical eyes. In our two physical eyes are two spiritual eyes. They are equipped to see forms and appearances in the spiritual world. The third eye is more to see energies.

A spirit has a spirit body with a certain shape and color, like also the physical body has shape and color. Your spiritual eyes could see that. The physical eyes cannot see spirits just like spiritual eyes don't see the physical reality. With spiritual eyes one can only see energies that are connected to the physical, but spirits don't actually see the physical reality itself.

When you as as spirit are in a physical body, it is very difficult to ignore the physical reality. The physical reality with all its images is perceived by the physical body. The physical reality gives a strong impression to your physical senses. Your desires, your thoughts and feelings respond to that as well. All these physical sensations push the spiritual experiences to the background.

Maybe an example will elucidate this. Suppose that someone shines with a flashlight. When it is dark you can see that light from a far distance. But as soon as the sun comes up its light overpowers that of the flashlight. In daylight you can only see the flashlight when you are nearby. The flashlight is like the spiritual world. It is there but it usually is pushed to the background by the strong power of the physical reality.

Some shamans who want to relate to the spiritual world bring themselves into a trance. Such a trance could mean that the physical body is brought under a kind of hypnosis. The body is not asleep, but also not entirely awake. The spirit of the shaman comes kind of loose from the physical body. Not all types of trance are the same, but always the spirit of the shaman becomes more detached from the physical body.

When you are in the middle of images and noise of the physical world, it is more difficult to experience the spiritual world. It is much easier when you are quietly meditating. Some people get spiritual experiences when they are in a state of mind between being asleep and awake. Some people use drugs to sharpen their spiritual senses.

It can also help when you tell your physical eyes to not consciously see anything. Though they are open, they don't send messages to your brain. You enhance your spiritual awareness and your spiritual eyes can see better and more.

Some environments are spiritually very dark and confusing. At such places it is much more difficult to sense the spiritual world. You may experience spiritual phenomena, but it is more difficult to recognize what you see. In a following article i shall tell a little more about the influence of the spiritual world on our spiritual perceptions.

This article is part of a series of four:
  1. One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality
  2. Noise from the physical world
  3. Autonomous spirit world
  4. The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds


June 7, 2006

One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality

In my experience there are several reasons why many people don't know about or don't believe in the spiritual reality. Often there is spoken about the spiritual world, but for some this is a dream world, for others it is sheer fantasy and for again others this reality is very confusing. I do believe in a spiritual reality. I even believe that the spiritual world is more real than the physical one. All physical things will one day disappear or transform into other entities, but your spiritual existence is in principle eternal.

Nobody could prove the existence of spirit world. When you experience the spiritual world, it is reality. When you don't see or hear anything, this world is at best a theoretical concept. But how do we prove the existence of the physical world?

Suppose someone comes to you and says that the physical world doesn't exist because this person doesn't feel, see or hear anything from it. How would you prove that your physical world is real? The proof for the existence of the physical world is based on our own perceptions, often extended in the form of observations made with instruments such as telescopes. Many physical phenomena or particles have never been seen directly. We only know of their existence because such particles have an effect on something else that we are able to measure.

My argument is that the existence of the spiritual world is proven either by observing it directly or because spiritual phenomena do have measurable effects. This doesn't mean yet that we understand the spiritual world based on just such observations. It just shows that something is there.

Some people do rather directly perceive the spiritual world with their spiritual senses. They actually see spirits or angels and other appearances. We know of mediums who can communicate with spirit world. The validity of such experiences is not easily proven of course. We have to believe such people or we must have our own experiences.

You can actually learn to have spiritual experiences. You can sharpen your spiritual senses. How is that done? It begins with sensing something. You don't yet know what you experience, but you realize there is something there. Compare this to seeing timber. When you are not experienced, you just see wood. You know it is wood and that's it. You see of course that one piece of wood is darker than another piece, but you would be unable to attach a more precise name to it. People who have worked with wood a lot can discern at a glance from which species of trees that wood came.

I heard that Inuit people distinguish several types of snow. For me, snow may be wet or dry, but that's about it. Our eyes learn to differentiate through experience. We see something, try to give it a name, and bit by bit, over time, we learn to observe better.

A trained musician can hear which chords and tones are used in a music composition. Untrained musical ears do almost hear nothing except a melody and a rhythm and maybe a few other musical elements.

Likewise, we can train our spiritual senses. All people are different. Some people easily observe spiritual phenomena, but also they need time and experience to evaluate and categorize their observations. You can go through such a learning curve by yourself or you could get help from someone more experienced. It's essential to take time to assess your spiritual perceptions, through meditation, prayer and by thinking about it. It also helps to read about such things, though that may also be risky because so much nonsense has been written about this topic. Many people confuse dreams and visions with real spiritual experiences. Some dreams and visions show us something of the spiritual world, but there also are dreams and visions that come from another source.

In my next contribution i shall write something about another reason why it is difficult to observe the spiritual world. That is because our spiritual perception is influenced by our physical experiences.

This article is part of a series of four:
  1. One of the reasons for being unfamiliar with the spiritual reality
  2. Noise from the physical world
  3. Autonomous spirit world
  4. The main force that unites the spiritual and physical worlds

